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Dear colleagues,


These are challenging times. Especially now that we are slowly ramping up the traffic program, while at the same time being concerned about perhaps our own as well as ourvalued colleagues’ future. As SAS adjusts to a post-corona market reality we have created the following news summary, to make staying informed as easy as possible.

Updates on current situation

  • Thursday you were invited to a Teams Live Event with Chief of Staff Carina Malmgren Heander and HR Vice President Andreas Krantz regarding the ongoing redundancy processes. You can (re)watch itHERE.
  • Friday Chief Operating Officer Simon Pauck Hansen held a Teams Live Events with his colleagues in Airline Operations where he gave an update on the current situation related to Airlines Operations. You can see the video recording HERE.
  • Yesterday we published a press release regarding political support from the governments of Denmark and Sweden for a recapitalization of SAS. You can read more about that HERE. Please note that since SAS is listed on the stock exchange we are legally required to first issue this information to the stock exchange before sharing the news with employees and other stakeholders. As previously announced, SAS intends to communicate its recapitalization plan before end of June, when further details will be announced.

Where do we fly?
We are increasing our operating aircraft from 30 in this month to 40 in July. Get updated on which routes we are opening next HERE, and get the full traffic programme HERE.

To share this update with your friends and family, click the following links to share on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.

Do you want to inspire our travelers?
What are the most fantastic natural phenomena in Norway, Sweden and Denmark according to you? Share your best tips with our customers. Read more on Yammer.

SAS Safe Travel
Get updated on everything you need to know about our current safety measure on our new webpage ‘SAS Safe Travel’ in English HERE, in Norwegian HERE, in Danish HERE and in Swedish HERE.


Other news
Here are some more SAS news to catch up on:

  • Unwrapping of an aircraft: Our talented technical, engineering, planning and maintenance staff are working hard to perform necessary safety checks, deep cleaning and tests to ensure a safe return to the skies. Read more on Yammer, Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, LinkedIn.
  • Food for a good cause: “I have no other income than my state pension, so this means a lot. As money is sparse, I don’t have room in my budget to buy products like these.” Read this heartwarming story onFacebook, Yammer, LinkedIn.
  • Style in the aisle – 1957-1965: During the coming weeks we will take you down memory lane by highlighting some of our most popular uniforms from 1946 to present time. Many have been with us for decades; we urge you to share your personal pictures of past SAS uniforms on Yammer. Also, read more on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • We stand together: Some of our air crew colleagues in China have made this video which is inspired by a video that some of our cabin crew colleagues in Denmark made just before the news about layoffs were announced. “We are very inspired by the video our Danish colleagues made, and we are touched by their faith and enthusiasm. Then we got this idea to make a sister interactive version of the dance to express our faith in SAS and that we may be geographically far away but close by in our hearts,” explains one of the women in the video. Read the whole story on Yammer.

Newsletter on Intra/InSight and Yammer
Now you can read this and coming newsletters online as well. Read it on SAS Intra/SAS InSight HERE and Yammer HERE.

Are there other stories you would like to see shared across SAS? Let Internal Communications know by or simply go viral yourself by posting text, video or pictures on Yammer and/or reposting our social media stories on your own social media accounts.

Best regards,

Tonje Sund

Head of Internal Communications